ACT offers an annual Bursary Scheme to cover a percentage of the fees (up to 25%) for one year. We assess each student's individual merit and aim to offer at least two awards each year: one awarded to a female actor, the other to a male actor.

Consideration for a bursary is optional and those wishing to apply will have to submit a statement of means and a personal statement on why they would be the ideal candidate to make best use of the award. Students are assessed on this information and their performance at audition.

These awards are renewable on an annual basis and the successful recipients will have to re-apply. All awards are offered subject to conditions including attendance, progress and commitment and may be withdrawn should a student fail to meet course requirements.

ACT strongly advises students to secure their funding for the course at the full fees and see the bursary as an added extra and not as a means of facilitating doing the course.

Bursary Scheme applications are included as part of our audition packs.