term dates
Spring: 11th Jan - 5th April (Half Term 15th Feb, no class)
Summer: 26th April - 19th July (Half term 31st May, no class)
class times and fees
Juniors 9-11 Years
Seniors 12+ Years
Youth 15+ Years
10.30am - 12.00pm
12.30pm - 3.30pm
1.30pm - 4.30pm
£11.50 per week
£18.50 per week
£18.50 per week
£138.00 a term.
£222.00 a term.
£222.00 a term.
trinity exams
AKT Members can also enrol for the prestigious Trinity Guildhall Speech & Drama exams. Exams usually take place at the end of the Summer Term. Please note that exam fees apply. Youth members can take Grade 6-9 which also carry UCAS points. ACT is a registered Trinity Guildhall Examination Centre.
To join AKT you will need to attend a taster session. If we have places available we will book you in and you will need to pay in advance for that session. If all is well you will be invited to join and fees will be payable on a termly basis. It is possible to join mid term depending on what the students are working on.
To book a taster session. please fill out the form below or Email: akt@actbrighton.org
terms and conditions - please read carefully
We offer these classes to provide a rewarding and inspiring space for your child to discover, grow and enjoy. We ask that you help us in the smooth running of the school by adhering to the points listed below for the benefit of all. Please take a moment to read them and keep for future reference. Many thanks!
Students must read (or be read) and agree to abide by the School Rules and The Code of Conduct.
Taster sessions are charged for and the fees are as for a single class.
Once enroled fees are payable in advance on a termly basis. Payment options are available on request. Students joining mid-term will be charged pro rata.
PLEASE NOTE: Fees are due for the full term of classes (or pro rata joining mid-term) including any that your child may miss.
Withdrawal from AKT: Children enrol each term. Please notify us before the start of term if you wish to withdraw. Students who withdraw mid-term are still liable for that terms fees.
Please phone the office during the week before class if your child has to leave early. Without prior notification the student will not be allowed to leave before the normal time.
Please phone or email us if your child is unable to attend a class
All Students must sign in and out of the building. Children under 12 must have nominated adults to collect them.
On occasions it may be necessary to temporarily move classes to another ACT site owing to rehearsals or shows taking place in the normal venue.
If your child is participating in a show they will have to have means of reaching the performance venue for the performance(s) and any prior rehearsals in the venue.
When the students are preparing and rehearsing for a show, please let us know well in advance if they will not be available for any of the rehearsals or the performance date.