course aims

Foundation is a part time course that aims to bridge the gap between a basic understanding of drama and performance and professional training. Building on people's natural abilities, the course is an ideal forum in which to discover each student's unique creative potential. The course is designed to develop a balance of skills in an atmosphere where the student can work freely, safely and confidently with professionals who care.

Students will have the opportunity to develop skills and techniques in acting, movement, voice and singing. Students will explore the use of dramatic language in a range of contexts to help free their expressive abilities and extend their range. The skills acquired will be applied to rehearsals where students will be working on termly projects and with a professional director towards a final public performance.

Foundation aims to equip those students who wish to pursue actor training at Diploma level but lack the necessary experience with the fundamental tools, techniques and understanding for progression. It will also suit those students who wish to broaden their knowledge and practical skills in acting and drama but who do not necessarily wish to purse a professional career. Foundation has also proved to be beneficial to those wishing to extend their training into a broader context such as Drama Therapy, Teaching or Training.


Foundation is open to students over 18 years old (16 yrs with parental permission) and there is no upper age limit. The course is part time and runs for three terms over one year.

Intake is in September and students graduate in July.

Each term consists of 12 continuous weeks. Students are required to attend Sunday for 6.5 hours (times vary between 9.30am and 7pm) and Monday evening for 3.5 hours (6.45pm to 10pm). During production weeks students may have to attend outside of these times when required.

course structure

Students will be introduced to the fundamental skills of drama and performance through practical lessons which are structured to develop their understanding of dramatic language through the disciplines of; Acting Technique, Voice, Movement, Singing and Project.

The year is predominantly about the development and acquisition of practical skills which will enable students to work effectively as part of a group and as individual performers. Work will be predominantly based around the principals of Stanislavski and Michael Chekhov.

Each term students are in Project - rehearsal for, and performance of, a play or text given at the end of the term. These performances are in house and to the faculty and an invited audience only for terms 1 and 2. This allows students to be both bold and playful in a safe environment and also to develop the ability to take creative risks before being exposed to public scrutiny. Term 3 Project is performed in a local professional venue and is directed by a guest professional director.


There is no formal qualification attached to this course. On successful completion of the course students will be awarded with an ACT Foundation in Acting Certificate.

entry requirements

Foundation is open to students over 18 and there is no upper age limit. Prior experience of acting and/or some training is desirable but not necessary. Students are usually assessed as to their suitability via the Two Week Workshop. As a rough guide the course would be sit between sixth form (A levels / BTEC) and University (Degree) level. However, it must be stressed that this is a purely practical course.

Foundation mirrors the rigours of Actor Training and the Industry therefore students must be able to commit fully to the course and a very high standard of punctuality and attendance is expected. Prospective students must be able to demonstrate the ability to work supportively and sympathetically with others, be able to take responsibility for their own development and be in good health.


Entry is by 'assessment and interview' or 'audition and interview'.

assessment and interview

In order to allow applicants the best possible opportunity to be assessed in a fair and fully rounded manner, we ask that students attend one of our monthly Two Week Intensive Workshops in Acting.

Students can also assess directly and fully whether ACT is the right place for them. The tutors, class structure and timetable are all carefully designed to be a reflection of the style and content of our tuition and of the rigours and demands of our courses.

Upon completion of the Workshop, every tutor submits a written evaluation of each student's potential in their discipline. Students then attend an individual feedback session and interview with the Principal or Head of Acting. This process allows us to determine a candidate's suitability for training and, in the case of successful applicants, which course is most appropriate for their existing skill level.

Following the feedback interview, successful students will usually be given a formal offer and sent a written unconditional offer. Occasionally and where appropriate Foundation applicants may also be asked to Audition in order to ascertain there suitability for the course.

Everything was really well organised. I have a good insight in what is expected of an actor.
— R Rackauskaite

audition and interview

For students who are unable to take apart in the Two Week Intensive Workshop process, we offer an alternative application process: We have a number of audition days throughout the year. Applicants will be required to prepare and present two strongly contrasting pieces and to undertake an interview.

Audition pieces should be between 2 and 3 minutes in length and ideally be taken from a published play or film script. Applicants will be given further details and sent a short guide to audition.

Audition fee is £25. Apply ACT Auditions


Fees are £875 per 12 week term payable in advance or by monthly direct debit with a payment agreement.

Please note that course fees can rise annually, in January, with inflation.

The best thing was the quality of teaching and the variety. I enjoyed it all.
— K. Horne
As supportive environment in which to try out new work. Techniques that will be really helpful in presentations and public speaking.
— A Orchard.

How to apply


Book an audition

Sources of funding

Audition guide

Bursary scheme

Course fees

The Workshop