Screen Acting / Acting for Camera Advanced Level

Screen Acting / Acting for Camera Advanced Level

from £60.00

Fridays 2.00pm - 4.00pm

7th - 28th February

7th - 28th March

4th - 25th April

Standard £80.00 / Concession £60.00 for a block of four 2hr classes.

We offer an optional add-on of professional editing services for the recorded scenes from your course - lease read the Editing Policy carefully to understand how you can take advantage of this optional service.

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This intensive course will develop your skills and the discipline required to be ready to enter the real world of film and television acting. Using scene work and specialised exercises the course will increase your confidence and know-how, to feel ready and prepared when arriving on set.

Previous experience required. You need to have developed your skills while studying on an acting foundation or degree, or have completed an accredited acting course, or have equivalent industry experience.
In order to get the most from the course you will be able to:

• Speak English fluently and clearly.
• Read a script accurately.
• Give and receive constructive feedback.
• Take notes.

Weekly on a Friday


7th - 28th February

7th - 28th March

4th - 25th April

Time: 2pm - 4pm

Standard £80.00 / Concession £60.00 for four week block of 2 hrs classes.


We offer an optional add-on of professional editing services for the recorded scenes from your course - please read the Editing Policy carefully to understand how you can take advantage of this optional service.

Optional Service: Editing services are available as an optional add-on and are not included in the standard course fee.

Raw Footage: All students will receive raw, unedited video and audio recordings of their performances (both individual and group scenes) at no additional cost. As these files are large, the student will need to bring their own storage media with them to receive the files. This should be an external hard drive, SSD or thumb drive with at least 32 Gigabytes of free space.

Please see / download our Editing Policy Document.